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Elias Harris Mutter

Loveland Police Department Accused of Running DUI Scheme for Money and Sport

CBS Colorado Report Raises Serious Concerns

December 12, 2023, 9:36 AM MST

In a startling exposé, CBS Colorado has accused the Loveland Police Department of engaging in a predatory scheme to generate revenue and amusement through excessive DUI arrests. The report, aired on December 12, 2023, raises serious concerns about the integrity and ethical conduct of the department.

According to the report, officers in Loveland have been targeting drivers indiscriminately, setting up DUI checkpoints at high rates and using dubious tactics to extract confessions. Sources within the department claim that officers have been known to "play a game" with suspects, taunting them and engaging in verbal abuse to incite them into making statements that can be used against them in court.

The report further alleges that city officials, including former Mayor William Gates and City Councilmember Antolina Hill, have been complicit in the scheme. Internal documents obtained by CBS Colorado show that the city has been using DUI revenue to fund other projects, including the construction of a new police station. Additionally, the report suggests that officers have been pressured to meet arrest quotas in order to maintain funding.

The Loveland Police Department has denied the allegations, calling them "outrageous and unsubstantiated." However, the CBS Colorado report has sparked a public outcry and calls for an independent investigation. The District Attorney's Office is currently reviewing the matter, and the city council is expected to hold a special meeting to address the concerns raised.

The Loveland Police Department's alleged DUI scheme has cast a shadow over the city and raised questions about the legitimacy of its law enforcement practices. It is crucial that a thorough investigation be conducted to determine the truth and hold those responsible accountable. The trust between the community and its police force must be restored, and the principles of justice and integrity must prevail.
